ConstitUTION and bylaws

Constitution of the Christian and Missionary Alliance* and Bylaws of the Moses Lake Christian and Missionary Alliance Church






















*2023 CMA Manual, A5, Uniform Constitution for Accredited Churches of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. 1


The New Testament teaches that the local church is the visible organized expression of the Body of Christ. The people of God are to live and serve in obedience to the Word of God and under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. 

The Christian and Missionary Alliance operates on the presupposition that the congregation finds broader meaning and outreach in fulfilling its biblical responsibilities within the life and witness of the denomination. 

This Constitution has three objectives: 

1. Set out in general an outline for organization and administration for this church. 

2. Define the relationship of this church to the district of which it is an integral part. 

3. Relate this church to the denominational framework through which the worldwide work of The Christian and Missionary Alliance is carried out. 

The Uniform Constitution for Accredited Churches has been framed and adopted by the General Council, the denomination’s highest governing body. The accredited churches of The Christian and Missionary Alliance have participated in this process through their authorized delegates. 

This church can, in accordance with this Constitution and in a manner that is consistent with the Bylaws of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, formulate its bylaws so as to carry out its ministry appropriately and efficiently. 

This church is an integral part of the district, national, and worldwide fellowship of The Christian and Missionary Alliance and is united in governance, fellowship, and service in order to promote unity of faith in the fullness of Jesus Christ as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King, and to facilitate the spread of the gospel at home and abroad under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

No bylaws related to this article or sections.


The official name under which this church is incorporated or organized is the Moses Lake Christian and Missionary Alliance Church.



This church is connected with and subordinate to its parent religious organization, The Christian and Missionary Alliance, an Ohio nonprofit corporation. In consideration of the mutual benefits generated and derived from this relationship and understanding that The Christian and Missionary Alliance is relying hereon in agreeing to initiate or continue such relationship, this church agrees to be subject to and abide by the terms and conditions of Article XVI hereof relating to the reversion of property of accredited churches. 

No bylaws related to this article or sections.


Section 1. Qualifications. 

1. Confession of faith in Jesus Christ and evidence of regeneration. 

2. Belief in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; in the verbal inspiration of the Holy Scriptures as originally given; in the vicarious atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ; in the eternal salvation of all who believe in Him and the eternal punishment of all who reject Him. 

3. Acceptance of the doctrines of the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King. 

4. Full sympathy with the mission and core values of The Christian and Missionary Alliance and cooperation by systematic support of its work. 

5. Such other qualifications for membership as may be stated in the bylaws. 


A. Preparation and Approval. Each applicant shall attend and participate in instructional classes led by an authorized leader(s) appointed by the Board. Once the course and the required documents are completed, the applicant may be approved. Upon approval, members will be introduced to the congregation. 

B. Review. The Board shall conduct an annual review of the membership roll prior to the annual meeting or any meeting where a vote of the membership is necessary. 

A person shall be placed on the rolls as an inactive member when they have not been in regular attendance for a period of six months. 

Once the individual is on the inactive membership list the Board will contact the individual and discuss his/her future status with the Church. 

C. The Board will review and approve transfer memberships from other C&MA congregations on a case by case basis. 

Section 2. Removal. 

Persons may be removed from membership under one or more of the following circumstances: 1. Submission of a written letter of resignation to the elders of the church. 

2. Failure to meet the qualifications of membership as stated above. 

3. Disciplinary action taken under the Uniform Policy for Discipline, Restoration and Appeal of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. 

An appeal of decisions made to remove a person from membership for reasons of qualification or a disciplinary action may be submitted to the district superintendent within 30 days of the action. 

BYLAW - MEMBERSHIP Section 2. Removal

Discipline. Discipline principles and procedures shall be in accordance with the MLAC Church Discipline Policy (Appendix I).


Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are recognized as the two ordinances of the church. 

Believers’ baptism by immersion is taught and practiced as the scriptural mode. The pastor or other elders shall oversee baptism. They shall provide the instruction about baptism and shall administer the baptisms themselves or choose other spiritually respected people to do these ministries. 

The Lord’s Supper is administered regularly. The pastor or other elders shall oversee Communion. They shall provide the instruction about Communion and shall administer the Communion themselves or choose other spiritually respected people to do these ministries. 

No bylaws related to this article or sections.


There shall be an annual meeting of the members of this church to be held at a time specified in the bylaws at which time the members shall receive reports of ministries, including audited reports of the treasurers, and shall elect church officers, elders, and members of the governance authority. Additional ministry positions shall be filled as specified in the local church bylaws. The governance authority, as specified in the local church bylaws, shall conduct the affairs of the church between annual meetings and shall be amenable to the membership and the district superintendent as constitutionally defined. Other meetings of the members may be called by proper notice to the membership as specified in the bylaws. On general church matters in which no legal questions are involved, it is understood that all members in good and regular standing who have reached the age of 16 years are entitled to vote, but in matters involving titles of property or legal procedure, the laws of the state determine the age at which members are eligible to vote. 


A. Annual Business Meeting. The annual meeting shall be conducted at a date and time in October as selected by the Board. 

B. Congregational Meetings. A congregational meeting may be called by the lead pastor or the Board. When business is to be conducted, two (2) weeks notice must be given using a variety of methods. 

C. Members in Good and Regular Standing. Members in good and regular standing, where used in the Constitution and these by-laws, shall be those members listed as active on the official membership roll. Only such members are eligible to vote on Church business. 

D. Quorum. The number of members required for a quorum for congregational meetings where business is to be conducted shall be 30% of the active membership. If the quorum is not met, and a second properly called meeting is required, the quorum shall be 15%.

E. Finance. The Church fiscal year shall begin with the adoption of the budget for the coming year at the annual meeting or a subsequent special meeting should it fail to be adopted at the annual meeting. The newly adopted budget shall be retroactive to September 1st of the budget year, through August 31 the following year. The Treasurer is authorized to oversee payment of all budgeted account expenditures without additional authorization from the Board. Neither the Treasurer nor the Board shall authorize any non-budgeted expenditure in excess of 2% of the approved budget without approval of the membership. This does not apply to unanticipated maintenance of existing equipment and facilities. 

It is the responsibility of the Board to prepare and present the annual budget to the membership for final approval.


Section 1. General. Each local church shall structure its governance authority in accordance with the governing documents of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, the responsibilities of elders as defined in Article X, Section 1, the bylaws of the district, and the laws of the state in which the church is located. The members of the governance authority shall satisfy the scriptural standards for church leadership and shall be members of this church. 

The lead pastor shall be chairman or, at his request, the governance authority shall elect an elder as chairman. An elder also shall be elected as vice chairman. Meetings shall be held for prayer and business, and abbreviated minutes shall be reported to the church as the church may decide. Special meetings may be called by the chairman or by written request of one-half of the governance authority membership. All officers, committees, and organizations except the Nominating Committee are amenable to the collective oversight of the elders. 


A. The Governing Board of Elders (Board) shall consist of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9, with a majority of Elders. Non-Elders will be elected from members of good standing. 

Size of the Board will be reviewed annually by the Board, which will then bring a bylaw proposal to the congregation as needed. 

B. Quorum. A quorum for conducting business shall consist of a simple majority of the members of the Board. 

C. Term of Office. The term of office will be three (3) years with a third of the Board elected each year. The treasurer shall serve a three (3) year term. Each member of the Board (with the exception of the lead pastor and treasurer) may serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms. Following a second term served, a person is then required to sit out a minimum of one (1) year prior to re-consideration. 

D. Selection of Positions. The Board shall select from amongst themselves the chair, if the lead pastor does not fill the role, and vice chair of the board, and the secretary. 

Section 2. Removal. In consultation with the district superintendent and the lead pastor, any officer or auxiliary official, except licensed pastoral staff, of this church, whether elected at the church annual meeting or appointed by the governance authority, or any individual member of the governance authority, may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the governance authority and the approval of the district superintendent if, in the judgment of the governance authority, the best interests of this church will be served thereby. 

No bylaws related to this article or sections.


The officers shall be members of this church and shall satisfy the scriptural standards for church leadership. They shall consist of the following who, with the exception of the lead pastor, shall be elected at the annual meeting of the church: lead pastor, secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer, and such other officers as may be designated in the church bylaws or in the state law. 


A. The officers shall be the members of the Board and shall meet the qualifications outlined in the constitution, Article VII, and Appendix II. 

B. Replacement. In the event a vacancy should occur during any term of office, the Board may appoint a replacement who will serve until the next annual meeting.


The governance authority shall not give consideration to any candidate for the pastoral staff without the approval of the district superintendent. Pastoral staff members shall be called by the governance authority and appointed by the district superintendent. The district superintendent shall suggest to the governance authority the names of such workers as in his judgment have proper qualifications for pastoral staff. Upon appointment by the district superintendent, a pastoral staff member and spouse become members of this church. Pastoral staff include all those whose position calls for licensing as an “official worker,” as defined in the General Regulations in the Manual of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. 

Any member of the pastoral staff may resign from this church by giving due notice of this intention to the district superintendent and the governance authority. The governance authority may, in conjunction with the district superintendent, ask for the resignation of any member of the pastoral staff. Before such action is taken, the governance authority and that member shall follow the guidelines as prescribed by the district superintendent. The district superintendent, with the approval of the District Executive Committee, shall have the authority to remove or transfer a member of the pastoral staff when the governance authority is in disagreement or whenever circumstances make such removal or transfer advisable

No bylaws related to this article or sections.


Section 1. Lead Pastor. The lead pastor shall have oversight of this church. He shall be chairman of the governance authority except as he may choose to proceed according to the provisions in Article VI. He shall preside at all regular or special meetings of the church membership. He is a member ex officio of all church committees and organizations. When the membership has no pastor, the chairman or vice chairman of the governance authority shall have oversight of the church in conjunction with the district superintendent. The lead pastor shall be the president of this church where such office is required by law. 

Section 2. Secretary. The secretary shall keep the minutes of membership meetings and conduct the correspondence of this church as directed by the governance authority. The secretary shall attend and keep minutes of other meetings as specified in the local church bylaws. 

Section 3. Treasurer. The treasurer shall receive all monies of this church and shall be responsible for the payment of all bills on the order of the governance authority as specified by the local church bylaws, keeping proper book records of all transactions, and filing canceled vouchers and receipts for payments made. The governance authority shall determine where funds of this church shall be kept. No offerings shall be solicited from the membership except upon approval of the governance authority. 


Section 3. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall oversee the financial activities of the church under the general direction of the Board and keep the Board informed of such.

Section 4. Missionary Treasurer. When required by local church bylaws, the missionary treasurer shall account for all missionary monies and oversee the forwarding of the same to the treasurer of The Christian and Missionary Alliance on or before the tenth of the following month. 

Section 5. Assistant Treasurer. The assistant treasurer shall, with another person or persons appointed by the governance authority, be responsible to count all monies and keep a separate record of all receipts. The assistant treasurer may be empowered to issue receipts to the donors. 


Section 1. Elders. The call of Christ the Chief Shepherd to men to serve as elders is both discerned and confirmed by the church membership. Elders shall therefore be male members of this church and shall be elected as specified in the church bylaws. The pastor and the other elders are the highest level of servant leadership in the church. As undershepherds, elders shall serve with the lead pastor to oversee both the temporal and spiritual affairs of the local church in order to accomplish Christ’s mission. They shall constitute the Committee on Membership. They shall be the Committee on Discipline in accordance with the Uniform Policy on Discipline, Restoration, and Appeal of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. All officers, committees, and organizations except the Nominating Committee are amenable to the collective oversight of the elders through the governance authority. 

Section 2. Deacons. The deacons shall be members of this church and shall be appointed or elected as specified in the local church bylaws. The deacons shall have charge of those ministries and charities of the church as specified in the bylaws, receive offerings for such purposes and dispense the same, and make monthly reports as directed. Where there are no deacons, the governance authority shall assume responsibility for their ministries until such are elected or appointed. 7

Section 3. Deaconesses. Deaconesses shall be members of this church and shall be appointed or elected as specified in the local church bylaws. The deaconesses shall have charge of those ministries as specified in the bylaws. Where there are no deaconesses, the governance authority shall assume responsibility for their ministries until such are elected or appointed. 

Section 4. Trustees. The trustees shall be members of this church and may be appointed or elected as specified in the local church bylaws. Trustees shall have charge of those ministries and duties as specified in the bylaws, or the laws of the state in which the church is located. Where there are no trustees, the governance authority shall assume responsibility for those ministries and duties until such are elected or appointed. 

Section 5. Alliance Women. Local church Alliance Women may be established. They shall be organized according to the Alliance Women policies as contained in the CM Handbook. 

No bylaws related to this article or sections.


The church shall participate in the worldwide missions and church planting ministries of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, and the support of the Great Commission Fund. The Governance Authority shall specify the means by which it purposes to mobilize members’ involvement, including prayer, recruitment of men and women for vocational ministry both at home and abroad. A Missions Conference or congregation-wide event for missions mobilization shall be held each year. 

No bylaws related to this article or sections.


A major ministry of this church shall be making disciples of Jesus Christ. The disciplemaking process includes evangelism, building up believers, equipping workers, and multiplying leaders, among adults, youth, and children. The Governance Authority shall specify how disciplemaking is to be pursued. The purpose of disciplemaking ministries is to bring people to a saving knowledge of Christ, teach biblical principles emphasizing missions and the centrality of Christ as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King, and equip people for evangelism and Christian service. 

No bylaws related to this article or sections.


Section 1. Property. This church may acquire, own, dispose of, improve, encumber, and convey property, real and personal, for church purposes, in conformity with the laws of the state where the property is situated. 

Real property may be purchased, sold, conveyed, exchanged, mortgaged, or encumbered only by order of the membership through the governance authority in consultation with the district superintendent. In states where trustees are required, the order of the membership shall proceed through them. 

Section 2. Records. The official records of all officers of the church and all its departments are the property of the church. In the event of the death or resignation of the incumbent or upon the election of his successor, the current records of the office shall be passed on to the newly elected officer. All records other than current shall be kept in a secure repository selected by the governance authority. 

Section 3. Audit. All financial records shall be examined annually or at more frequent intervals on order of the governance authority. At least three persons, none of whom is a financial officer or a church staff member, shall be appointed by the governance authority to conduct the examination. They shall follow procedures set forth in the current edition of the Manual for Alliance Church Treasurers (and Pastors).The governance authority shall authorize actions to conform with additional audit standards that may be required by the jurisdiction in which the church is located. 


The financial records of the church shall be examined annually by an auditor or audit committee as appointed by the Board.


A Nominating Committee shall consist of the lead pastor, two members from the church membership, selected by, but not necessarily from the governance authority, and two elected from the church membership in a manner stipulated by the local church bylaws, at least one month prior to the annual meeting. 


In consideration of elections, the Nominating Committee shall present at least one name for each office to be filled. Other nominations may be made by the membership as stipulated in the church bylaws. The officers shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting. Where only one name is presented, the ballot may be waived by unanimous vote. 

Nominations from the floor must have been cleared in advance with the Nominating Committee three weeks prior, to assure the nominee is eligible and with the nominee, to assure she/he is willing. 

The nominating committee shall post its nominations using a variety of methods at least two Sundays prior to the annual meeting.


Recognizing the purpose of the members of this congregation to support both the doctrines and the mission of The Christian and Missionary Alliance through the contribution of their tithes, offerings, and special gifts, and to ensure that the future use of such assets and real property as this church may from time to time acquire shall not be diverted from this purpose, this church adopts the following property reversion clause. 

1. Property Reversion Events. Any of the following shall constitute a “property reversion event:” (a) the decision or action of this church to disaffiliate or otherwise separate itself from The Christian and Missionary Alliance without the prior written approval of such decision or action by the District Executive Committee (or its equivalent) of the district in which this church is located, (b) the failure for any reason of this church to be subject to or abide by any of the purposes, usages, doctrines, or teachings of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, (c) the failure for any reason of this church to qualify as an “accredited church” of The Christian and Missionary Alliance (as such term is defined in the Bylaws of The Christian and Missionary Alliance), or (d) the termination of this church’s existence for any reason. 

2. Determination of a Property Reversion Event. The determination of whether a property reversion event has occurred shall be considered and decided by the District Executive Committee (or its equivalent) of the district of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in which this church is located in accordance with procedures established from time to time by the Board of Directors of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. The decision of such District Executive Committee (or its equivalent) shall be final and binding on The Christian and Missionary Alliance, the district of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in which this church is located, and this church, except an appeal from such decision may be taken, within 30 days of the declaration of a reversionary event, to a committee of three members of the Board of Directors of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. Such appeal shall be limited to the issues of fraud, collusion, or arbitrariness on the part of the district in declaring a reversionary event. The decision of such committee shall be final as a matter of ecclesiastical law. 

3. Consequences of a Property Reversion Event. Upon the occurrence of a property reversion event as determined in accordance with paragraph 2 above, legal title to all real and personal property (tangible and intangible), appurtenances, fixtures, and effects of whatever type then owned, held, or used by this church, without regard to how or from whom acquired, shall, upon the demand of the district of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in which this church is located, revert to and become the property of such district of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. During the period of time between the occurrence of the property reversion event and the complete and final transfer of legal title to the district of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in which this church is located, this church shall hold such property in trust for such district to be used exclusively to further the purposes, usages, doctrines, and teachings of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. 

4. Waiver of Certain Property Reversion Events. In the event of a property reversion event attributable to differences in doctrine between this church and The Christian and Missionary Alliance, the property reversion process set forth above may be waived upon the approval of (a) at least two-thirds of the members in good standing of this church, (b) the District Executive Committee (or its equivalent) of the district of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in which this church is located, and (c) Church Ministries of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. 

5. Exclusion of Certain Property. Paragraph 3 above shall not apply to any real or personal property which (i) this church owned prior to its becoming an accredited church, and (ii) is expressly identified as property not subject to paragraph 3 above in a written agreement entered into in connection with such accreditation between this church and the district of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in which this church was located upon its accreditation. The exclusion of property pursuant to this paragraph 5, and the agreement described in the preceding sentence, shall (1) terminate ten (10) years after this church’s accreditation, and (2) not apply to any church that was in developing status prior to its accreditation. 

No bylaws related to this article or sections.


Church bylaws not in conflict with this Constitution, the provisions of the Bylaws of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, the bylaws of the district within which the church is located, or the laws of the state are required and will be adopted by a duly called meeting of the church. As a minimum, the church bylaws will include provisions for the composition and name of its governance authority that is in keeping with Article VI above. A copy of such bylaws shall be filed with the district superintendent. 

No bylaws related to this article or sections.


This Constitution may be amended only by the General Council of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in accordance with the provisions of Section 10.2 of the Amended and Restated Constitution and Bylaws of The Christian and Missionary Alliance as applied to the Uniform Constitution for Accredited Churches. 

BYLAW - AMENDMENTS These bylaws may be amended by a 70% approval vote with a quorum of 30% of the active members in good and regular standing participating. If the quorum is not met, and a second properly called meeting is required, the quorum shall be 15%. The meeting must be called with two (2) weeks notice provided using a variety of methods. All proposed amendments shall have been previously submitted in writing to the Board for study and recommendation. The proposed amendments must be made available to members when the two (2) weeks notice of the meeting is given. 

New or revised bylaws shall be noted after the related article or section and include the date the alteration was adopted noted at the end of bylaw.


In cases where any provision of this Constitution may not conform to state laws, the district concerned shall be authorized to make such adjustments as necessary in counsel with the vice president for Church Ministries of The Christian and Missionary Alliance so as to conform to such laws. 

No bylaws related to this article or sections.



“If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother. But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that by the mouth or two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.” [Matthew 18:15-17] 

“If any of you has a dispute with another, dare he take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the saints? Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, appoint as judges even men of little account in the church! [I Corinthians 6:1-4] 

“Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.” [Galatians 6:1] 

“If anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of him. Do not associate with him, in order that he may feel ashamed. Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.” [2 Thessalonians 3:14-15] 

“But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.” [Titus 3:9-11] 


Believers in Jesus Christ, having accepted salvation through Him and acknowledging His Lordship over their very beings, should desire to conduct their lives in a sanctified and holy manner, based on adherence to God’s commands and the example of Christ’s life. Still, all believers continue to sin (James 3:2) and fall short of leading a wholly sanctified life (Romans 3:23). All must, therefore, practice continual confession of and repentance for their sins before God. 

When professing believers within a local Church body openly and/or continually sin without obvious repentance (i.e. definitive change from sinful to God-acceptable behavior), it is the duty and obligation of that local body to administer a Scripturally based and developed Order of Church Discipline [Matt. 18:15-17; 1 Cor. 5:1-11] to assure that all believing members and attendees maintain a focus on spiritual standards for life and conduct. 

When setting forth and administering an Order of Church Discipline, the church body and its leaders must be ever cognizant of the tension, -- the walking a tightrope, a balancing, -- between their interpretation of the Scriptural interplay between God’s Holiness and God’s Grace; keeping always in mind Christ’s own commands for the forgiveness of sin and the restoration of errant members and attendees within the body. 


Church Discipline is the Biblical based process by which errant believers are guided and instructed towards repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation. 


1. to ensure that the Church’s testimony to the world is not compromised nor God’s Holy name profaned by the acceptance and existence of obvious sin in its midst. [1 Cor. 6:15; 1 Cor. 5:6, 12-13; 2 Tim. 2:19] 

2. to provide a redemptive and orderly procedural process for the repentance, forgiveness and restoration of errant church members (or consistent attendees) who, while proclaiming adherence to Christ and His Lordship and the established scriptural standards of life and conduct normative to membership in His Church, openly sin against such standards and conduct.  

[Matt. 18:15-18; 1Cor. 5:1-13; Gal. 6:1; 2 Thess. 3:6-15] 

3. to spiritually benefit both the church body and its individual members and attendees by protecting each from the harmful influence of wrongdoing and sin. [1 Cor. 5:6; Gal.6:1; 1Tim. 5:19-20] 

4. to promote unity and avoid division in the church body. [Titus 3:10-11] 


1. Informal: 

1. Self-discipline: Each person shall continually practice self-examination of his thoughts, words, and actions followed by appropriate confession and repentance before God. 

2. One on one: Attempt to privately resolve one person’s observation or awareness of another’s sin through loving and concerned counseling. “If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother.” [Matt.18:15; Gal.6:1] 

3. Two / three to one: When private one on one counsel does not result in repentance and reconciliation of an errant party, the original counseling believer will take one or more believers with him to privately confront the errant brother/sister. “But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed.” [Matt. 18:16] 

If the issue is resolved and/or confession, repentance, and restoration is achieved, no further action is required. However, if it is not resolved, it is to be brought to the attention of the Board of Elders (“If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church” Matt. 18:17), who will initiate a more formal process in attempting reconciliation of the errant party. 


a. The Elder Board, representing the Church, will appoint a subcommittee to consider and investigate the issues surrounding the errant party. The subcommittee will then report back to the Elder Board. [Matt. 18:17; Gal. 6:1] 

a. If it is determined that further action needs to be taken, the Elder Board will issue a letter to the errant party. The letter will clearly state whatever warnings the Board deems appropriate to restore peace and good standing. [Titus 3:10] 

b. If the errant party still continues the sinful behavior, a second warning will be issued. This will be a second letter, presented in person to the errant party [Titus 3:10]. Included in this warning may be the loss of membership [I Cor. 5:9-13; 2 Thess. 3:14-15; Titus 3:10], removal from church leadership roles [Matt. 18:17], and/or other measures that the Elder Board deems appropriate. 

c. If the errant party still continues the sinful behavior, a final letter will be issued. The warnings will take effect, and the errant party will be treated as a non-believer. 

If at any point in the formal proceedings confession and a willingness to repent is demonstrated by the errant believer, the Elder Board shall determine and oversee a course of restorative action. 


The qualifications for Elders are set out in 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:6-9. All members of the Board are expected to maintain a lifestyle in keeping with the spirit and intent of these same references, the only exception being where qualification is the member’s gender. Further, each must be an active member of MLAC, and shall have been a member of the church in good standing for at least three years prior to serving on the Board. All Board members shall also be actively serving in the broader ministry of the MLAC and shall personally affirm their qualification each year. 

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