The New Testament teaches that the local church is the visible organized expression of the Body of Christ. The people of God are to live and serve in obedience to the Word of God and under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

The Christian and Missionary Alliance operates on the presupposition that the congregation finds broader meaning and outreach in fulfilling its biblical responsibilities within the life and witness of the denomination.

This Constitution has three objectives:

1. Set out in general an outline for organization and administration for this church.

2. Define the relationship of this church to the district of which it is an integral part.

3. Relate this church to the denominational framework through which the worldwide work of The Christian and Missionary Alliance is carried out.

The Uniform Constitution for Accredited Churches has been framed and adopted by the General Council, the denomination’s highest governing body. The accredited churches of The Christian and Missionary Alliance have participated in this process through their authorized delegates.

This church can, in accordance with this Constitution and in a manner that is consistent with the Bylaws of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, formulate its bylaws so as to carry out its ministry appropriately and efficiently.

This church is an integral part of the district, national, and worldwide fellowship of The Christian and Missionary Alliance and is united in governance, fellowship, and service in order to promote unity of faith in the fullness of Jesus Christ as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King, and to facilitate the spread of the gospel at home and abroad under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


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